Everyday Rails

Newly open-sourced development setup tools

Recover from laptop disasters a little faster through automation! (March 09, 2025)

Notes on pair programming with Aider when Python isn't readily available

Here's how I'm using Aider as an AI pair programming buddy in dev containers, without dealing with Python (January 07, 2025)

Testing with RSpec book updates for December 2024

All-new coverage of system specs (December 29, 2024)

Testing with RSpec book updates for November 2024

More coverage of request specs, factory_bot, and debugging tests (November 26, 2024)

Testing with RSpec book updates for October 2024

Brand new chapter on testing controllers via request specs, and more! (October 10, 2024)

Testing with RSpec book updates for September 2024

Now with an updated take on DRY tests and creating test data with factory_bot! (September 04, 2024)

Testing with RSpec book updates for July 2024

Finally, here's the first release of my RSpec testing book, updated for the latest Rails stack! (July 21, 2024)

Replacing system tests with unit tests

Is your testing strategy too top-heavy? Here are some techniques to spread coverage down the testing pyramid. (June 01, 2024)

Calling all cooks: Share a recipe, get a free book!

Want a great deal on my RSpec book, or a free copy of my next project? (May 20, 2024)

Testing with RSpec book May 2024 status report

How it started, how it's going, what I've learned, and a revised delivery timeline for book updates. (May 04, 2024)

Test with confidence!

If you liked my series on practical advice for adding reliable tests to your Rails apps, check out the expanded ebook version. Lots of additional, exclusive content and a complete sample Rails application.


Ruby on Rails news and tips, and other ideas and surprises from Aaron at Everyday Rails. Delivered to your inbox on no particular set schedule.