Everyday Rails

Testing with RSpec book updates for July 2024

By Aaron Sumner, July 21, 2024. File under: , .

I’m happy to share the first release of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, updated for 2024. If you ever purchased a copy through Leanpub, you can download this one for free, along with all future updates.

This release includes the following:

  • Chapters 1-3 updated for the current Ruby on Rails stack (Rails 7.1 as of this writing)
  • An all-new chapter covering the basics of DRY tests
  • A fun new sample application

I still have many chapters to update, along with some planned new content to cover testing concepts I didn’t include in past versions, and augmenting test-driven development with generative AI.

If you still need the complete (albeit very outdated) Rails 5.1 version, I’ve made the download freely available, along with sample source code for this version. See the all-new book resource page for details.

Thank you as always for your support, patience, and kindness as I’ve worked on these updates. Watch for the next batch of updates in the coming weeks!


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Test with confidence!

If you liked my series on practical advice for adding reliable tests to your Rails apps, check out the expanded ebook version. Lots of additional, exclusive content and a complete sample Rails application.


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