Everyday Rails

Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec book price changes

By Aaron Sumner, April 15, 2020. File under: .

Hello, I apologize for not posting here in almost a year, but I wanted to let you know about some pricing changes to my Rails testing book, Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec.

I know many software developers have lost their jobs in the current global health and economic crisis. If you or someone you know has been affected, I’m offering the book to you for free, no questions asked, for the foreseeable future via a coupon code. If it helps you learn a skill that lands you your next job, please let me know!

If you’re like me and lucky enough to still have a job, but you’re interested in getting started with sound software testing practices in Rails, I’d love it if you check out Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec to start learning! You’ll learn how to write a complete test suite for your Rails applications, using the same approach I did when I learned, myself.

Sales of the book do help augment my salary a bit, and allow me to save for rainy days. I’ve lowered the minimum price to $10 USD to help more people get started.

And to everyone who’s supported my work over the years, thank you very much! I’m hoping to write more here soon as I begin working in more new (to me) code bases than I have for the past several years. I’m a big believer in sharing what I learn. I was hoping to hang out with some of you at Railsconf this year, but perhaps another time.


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