Everyday Rails

Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec book updates for August 2018

By Aaron Sumner, August 22, 2018. File under: .

I’ve got a new version of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec ready for download from Leanpub. I originally wasn’t planning to do any further updates to this version, but changes in the Devise and Geocoder gems broke sample tests. I’ve fixed those issues, along with some others that have been reported by readers.

As an added bonus, I’ve added an appendix to guide the transition to system specs. It’s based on a post I shared here earlier this year, but updated slightly for RSpec 3.8. System specs were added to RSpec within days of my last major release, and an overhaul of chapter 6 is out-of-scope for this release. But hopefully this new appendix will help you learn more about the new, recommended approach to testing your apps’ browser integration.

Finally, I have a favor to ask. I’ve been offering free updates to this book since its original release more than six years ago. If you’ve found it useful, please recommend it to your friends and colleagues. Your tweets, toots, and shares are much appreciated.

Thanks as always for your support!


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