Everyday Rails

2017 edition of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec is content-complete!

By Aaron Sumner, October 19, 2017. File under: , .

I’m happy to announce that chapter 11 of my book, Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, is available for download. This chapter, “Toward test-driven development,” was the final chapter of the book I needed to update for 2017. In it, I take you through step-by-step development of a feature, TDD-style, with commentary on outside-in testing and the red-green-refactor cycle.

If you were waiting for a content-complete version of the book to be available, now’s a great time to check it out. Of course, if you already own a copy, this is a free update. Head over to your Leanpub library to download your copy.

What’s next

I’m very proud of this version of the book. It took more time than I’d anticipated to do, but it honestly reflects my approach to testing Rails applications in 2017. I hope you find the new content informative. Going forward, I’ve got a few more pieces planned:

  • I’m currently working on fixing a few issues that readers have reported. A maintenance release will contain these fixes in the next week or so. If you’ve found something confusing or incorrect, please let me know by posting an issue on the book’s GitHub repository.
  • I’ve already been asked when the book will be updated for RSpec 3.7, which was released earlier this week. I’m not ready to make this update just yet, but I do plan on writing a bit on upgrading a project to the new version and its support for Rails 5.1-style system tests. I’ll share this as a blog post, and possibly an appendix to the book. In the meantime, everything I cover in the new edition of the book still applies to RSpec 3.7, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
  • I’ve also been involved in some lively conversations related to other aspects of testing. Look for posts in the coming weeks about measuring test coverage, writing testable code, and keeping feature specs organized.


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