Everyday Rails

Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec: Updates for April, 2013

By Aaron Sumner, April 24, 2013. File under: , .

Last week I released another round of updates to Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, and subsequently released a couple of minor updates since. For those of you who may have missed it:

This is it, the final update built on Rails 3.2. I’m now working on a major update for Rails 4.0. I wanted to let you know about a few things.

First, I’m happy to share that I’ve open sourced the sample code and posted it to GitHub. You can now browse the source there, or grab it for yourself and follow along each chapter’s tagged branch.

Along those lines, I’m moving errata tracking and code discussions away from my own site and the Leanpub product page over to GitHub. It’s better for sharing code and will hopefully involve other readers in the conversation.

You may find a bug or typo or something else that doesn’t make sense. I still find things I want to change, even after working on this book for more than a year. If you find something, please post it in the issues on the GitHub project. I can’t promise it will be fixed in the 3.2 version, but if it makes sense I’ll be sure to address it in the Rails 4.0 edition.

Otherwise, the biggest changes in this version are in chapters 8, 9, and 10. For the most part these aren’t huge changes–mostly an attempt to bring old content up-to-speed with the current codebase. They’ll be works in progress moving forward.

Finally, I want to talk a bit about what I’ve got in mind for the next version. It hopefully goes without saying, but the sample application will be built on Rails 4.0. It’ll also be a new application! Over the past year I’ve come to realize that our little address book is limited in terms of what I can demonstrate with it, especially when it comes to feature specs. I don’t know what I’ll replace it with just yet, but whatever it is will hopefully be more flexible. There will be other changes throughout, culminating in a chapter of actually test-driving a new feature instead of adding after-the-fact specs. Of course, these updates will continue to be free to everyone who’s purchased the book.


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