Everyday Rails

Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec, the book now covers Capybara 2.0, RSpec's new syntax, and more

By Aaron Sumner, February 13, 2013. File under: , .

Hey everyone, thanks again to all of you who have purchased Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec. I hope it’s gotten you on your way to better-tested apps. Sales have been chugging right along–Leanpub reports I now have more than 1,400 readers. I appreciate each and every one. I’ve gotten lots of great feedback in the few months since the last large update, and have been busy working to address your suggestions.

I know the tools have changed some since the last version was released, so I’m happy to share that an updated version is now available. Some big changes this time around:

  • I’ve replaced use of should with the now-preferred expect() syntax throughout most of the book (chapters 9 and 10 excepted; see below).
  • The new Capybara 2.0 DSL is now covered; chapter 8 now covers feature specs instead of request specs.
  • Per suggestion, I’ve reworked the initial specs from chapter 3 to skip factories and focus on already available methods. Chapter 4 is now dedicated to factories.
  • Copy edits throughout.

Code samples have been updated as well.

Please note that chapter 9 (Speeding Up Specs) and chapter 10 (Testing the Rest) have not been edited yet. I’ll get them addressed in the coming weeks. Rails 4.0-related updates will get underway when release candidates start coming out. Those updates will all be free to you to download.

Head on over to Leanpub, download the latest version, and let me know what you think.


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