It’s been some time since I’ve been able to post something new here, so you may be wondering where things are relative to updates to Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec. First, let me thank all of you who’ve purchased the book. I’m happy to share that yesterday morning I surpassed 1,000 readers. I greatly appreciate your support.
As I’ve mentioned previously, I will write a second edition to be released as soon as possible after Rails 4.0 final is out. This edition will be a free update for anyone who’s bought the book, with updated content starting when release candidates start appearing. I plan to provide the book as a hybrid of the current edition and new content during the transition, to give you as early access to the new material as possible.
Of course, Rails isn’t the only moving target in the stack:
That’s the plan. As things get closer I’ll also get some sort of system set up for you to share found errata and other suggestions. Of course, in the meantime feel free to send me an email with your thoughts.
Ruby on Rails news and tips, and other ideas and surprises from Aaron at Everyday Rails. Delivered to your inbox on no particular set schedule.