Everyday Rails

RVM and project-specific gemsets in Rails

By Aaron Sumner, September 13, 2010.

Sorry about the delay in posting—everyday life got in the way of Everyday Rails. I’ve also been in the middle of changing how my development Ruby environment works, and want to share that today.

In a little more than a year, RVM (Ruby Version Manager) has become a critical tool for Ruby and Rails developers. A few months ago, when Rails 3 was still in beta, I wrote how to use RVM’s gemsets feature to allow multiple versions of Rails to coexist by creating a separate gemset for Rails 3 and its dependencies, so you wouldn’t have to worry about conflicts with productional Rails 2.3 code. In this post, I’ll extend that general approach to show how I’m using RVM to create project-specific gemsets, allowing each of my Ruby projects (Rails 3, Rails 2.3, Jekyll, and Sinatra) to exist in a silo, with their own, independent gem installations.

Why would you want to do this? I’m currently developing new applications in Rails 3, while maintaining a handful of Rails 2.3 applications that aren’t quite ready to be migrated to Rails 3. (I even have a Rails 1.2 application I need to poke at every now and then.) Given not just all these different versions of Rails, but also the different levels of compatibility a given gem has for that version of Rails, it’s important that I keep things separate. Updating a gem for Application A could wreck Application B. Long story short, it’s a little bit of short-term setup headache for a lot of long-term code maintenance sanity.

With that said, for this setup, I’m going to assume the following:

  • You have Rails 2.3 applications you need to maintain, but you’d also like to move forward with Rails 3 development
  • You’re already using RVM for easier Ruby and gem installation
  • You’re already using Phusion Passenger in development
  • You’re using Apache on your development computer (I haven’t tried this with Nginx)


Before you begin, I strongly recommend checking the versions of any gems you’re using in your applications, particularly your legacy (pre-Rails 3) apps. Most of the problems I’ve had have resulted from not being strict enough with my gem versions listed in my environment.rb file. As a result, rake gems:install installs the latest versions of these gems, and in many cases those versions are no longer Rails 2.3 compatible.

Update RVM

As of this writing, the current version of RVM is 1.0.5. If you need to update you can do so with the following:

  $ rvm update
  $ rvm reload

Pick a Ruby

Even though RVM lets you run multiple Ruby interpreters simultaneously, Passenger will only let you use one at a time. Unless your code needs to run on every Ruby under the sun you can probably pick one that makes sense. On my work computer, I went with Ruby Enterprise Edition since that’s what my server runs. On my home computer I’m going with 1.9.2 since I primarily deploy personal projects to Heroku. This isn’t to say you can only use one Ruby; it just makes it easier to integrate with other apps like Passenger and TextMate.

Once you’ve picked your Ruby interpreter, go ahead and install it and make it your default in RVM.

  $ rvm install ree
  $ rvm --default ree
  $ rvm use ree

One last check to make sure you’re using the Ruby you want:

  $ ruby -v

Create a global gemset

This is where things begin to get a little tricky. What we’re going to do is create a global gemset that contains gems that will be used across multiple projects, then a project-specific gemset for each of our Rails applications. To begin, let’s make our global gemset:

  $ rvm gemset create global
  $ rvm use @global

What you put in @global is up to you, but try to keep it clean. Since the point of this exercise is to maintain separate development environments for Rails 2.3 and Rails 3, don’t install any frameworks in @global. Here I’m just loading some necessities. We’ll get to a project-specific gemset momentarily.

  $ gem install bundler passenger capistrano hirb wirble

Configure Passenger

This is the first kind of tricky part. If you’re content using your application’s built-in server, you can skip it. After much frustration, I found this post on RVM and Passenger integration by Sam Philips to be the most helpful. The gist is you’re going to point Apache to the copy of Passenger you just installed in the @global gemset and create a wrapper to point it to the Ruby version you picked to kick things off.

First, let’s create that wrapper:

  $ rvm wrapper ree@global passenger

Next, run the Passenger installation utility (again, not as root).

  $ passenger-install-apache2-module

Edit your Apache configuration to properly load Passenger. As noted in the RVM documentation, these paths will differ from what the Passenger installer tells you to use. Here’s what mine looks like; if you replace asumner with your own home directory you should be fine.

  PassengerRoot /Users/asumner/.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2010.02@global/gems/passenger-2.2.15
  PassengerRuby /Users/asumner/.rvm/bin/passenger_ruby

Set up your project (Rails 3)

Thanks to Bundler, getting your Rails 3 projects configured to use your new development environment should be fairly straightforward.

First, we’ll create another gemset; this one will be specific to our Rails 3 project. Replace rails3_project with a gemset name that makes more sense for your project:

  $ rvm gemset create rails3_project
  $ rvm use @rails3_project

Next, create a .rvmrc file at the root of your Rails 3 application. It will look something like this:

  rvm ree-1.8.7-2010.02@rails3_project

This is the key to the magic that’s happening here: RVM is smart enough to know that if it sees a .rvmrc file in a directory, it should load the version specified inside.

Here’s the second kind of tricky part: Since Passenger doesn’t technically know about our project-specific gemset, we need to tell it where to access our app’s gems. It will get this information from the .rvmrc file.

To do this, inside your app’s config directory, create a new file called setup_load_paths.rb to let your app know how to access its gems. Here’s what wound up working for me, courtesy of Jeremy Lecour’s excellent writeup on RVM and Passenger:

  # config/setup_load_paths.rb
  if ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'] && ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].include?('rvm')
      rvm_path     = File.dirname(File.dirname(ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME']))
      rvm_lib_path = File.join(rvm_path, 'lib')
      $LOAD_PATH.unshift rvm_lib_path
      require 'rvm'
      RVM.use_from_path! File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))
    rescue LoadError
      # RVM is unavailable at this point.
      raise "RVM ruby lib is currently unavailable."

  ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = File.expand_path('../Gemfile', File.dirname(__FILE__))
  require 'bundler/setup'

Now we can install the gems from our project’s Gemfile:

  $ bundle install

Configure Passenger to point to your application as you normally would (I use the Passenger PrefPane for Mac OS X) and everything should work as you’d expect. If not, double check your Apache configuration (did you reboot Apache?), your .rvmrc file, and your installed gems. Stack traces were especially useful for me while getting my first Rails 3 application set up for development in this new environment.

Set up your project (Rails 2.3)

Getting a Rails 2.3 application up and running in this new development environment isn’t necessarily more difficult, but there are different details to watch for. In particular, a 2.3 app probably isn’t going to be using Bundler, so we’ll be installing gems in a more traditional manner. As noted at the beginning of this article, attention to gem versions will also be important.

The first step is the same as before—we need a project-specific gemset:

  $ rvm gemset create rails2_project
  $ rvm use @rails2_project

Your project’s .rvmrc file will work the same, too:

  rvm ree-1.8.7-2010.02@rails2_project

You’ll also need a setup_load_paths.rb file, though this time omit the Bundler-specific lines (unless your Rails 2.3 application is using Bundler):

  # config/setup_load_paths.rb

  if ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'] && ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME'].include?('rvm')
      rvm_path     = File.dirname(File.dirname(ENV['MY_RUBY_HOME']))
      rvm_lib_path = File.join(rvm_path, 'lib')
      $LOAD_PATH.unshift rvm_lib_path
      require 'rvm'
      RVM.use_from_path! File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))
    rescue LoadError
      # RVM is unavailable at this point.
      raise "RVM ruby lib is currently unavailable."

Now install Rails 2.3. Note that since newer versions of Rails are out, you’ll need to specify which version of Rails to install, using the -v flag:

  gem install rails -v=2.3.8

Next it’s time to install the gems used by the application. The database driver isn’t typically listed in a Rails 2.3 app’s environment.rb, so you’ll need to install that first. Here’s how I installed the MySQL driver (this is straight from the RVM documentation):

  $ ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config

Now install the rest of the gems used in the application. Did you double-check the versions used by your application?

  $ rake gems:install

Set up a virtual host for your application, restart it (either touch tmp/restart.txt or reboot Apache), and try it out. If it doesn’t work, check the stack trace. Odds are a rogue gem is causing problems, or you didn’t point to the right gemset in your .rvmrc file.

Configure TextMate

Finally, let’s make TextMate aware of the new configuration. Luckily, the RVM documentation on this topic is solid—rather than recreate it I’ll just refer you there. One downside is you’ll have to switch the gemset TextMate uses when you switch from project to project.

To set this up, I recommend following the instructions on RVM and TextMate integration on the RVM site. It’s kind of a messy process, but it works. Hopefully this will be made easier in TextMate 2.

I’ve also read about issues with Ruby 1.9 and TextMate in this setup, but haven’t gone about setting up a Ruby 1.9 environment yet. If you know something I don’t, please comment below.

That’s it!

That was a lot of work, but hopefully worth the trouble: You now have a Rails development environment capable of running Rails 2.3 and Rails 3 applications simultaneously, with independent gemsets to help avoid potential conflicts. This should give you a solid platform on which to move forward with new development in Rails 3, while maintaining legacy code as needed (and hopefully getting it up-to-date as well).


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