Everyday Rails

Calling all cooks: Share a recipe, get a free book!

By Aaron Sumner, May 20, 2024. File under: .

I want to say thank you again for all the renewed interest in my RSpec book, Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec. If you missed it, I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago explaining the delay and rough new timeline. I’m really sorry and appreciate your understanding!

May book sale!

In the meantime, I’ve got a coupon code going through May, in honor of Railsconf 2024. If you haven’t yet purchased the book, this is your chance to snag a copy of Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec for $9. Now that I’ve formally, officially moved to a free updates for life model, the price will go up as I get closer to the final release. Just saying.

Want a free copy of my next book project?

I’m looking for some community support! The updated book’s sample app is a social recipe sharing site. I’m looking for some recipes to use as sample content, and would love to see your favorite dish included. If cooking’s your thing, head over to my contact page and share the title of your recipe, a short description, a list of ingredients, and instructions.

You’ll get a shout out in the book and sample source (unless you wish to remain anonymous!) and, as an extra thank you, a free copy of a companion mini-book I’ll start working on following the updated release of Testing with RSpec. Be sure to use a real email address in the contact form so I can send you an access code!

I’m looking forward to seeing your culinary creations!


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